The 13 mm Kit includes all the items below plus the 13 mm CLUTCH, three 200 ft lengths of 12.5 mm Static Pro rope, and the 12.5 mm CSR2 Pulley System. The 11 mm (7/16 in) Kit includes all the items below plus the 11 mm CLUTCH, three 200 ft lengths of 11 mm Static Pro rope, and the 11 mm CSR2 Pulley System. Two options of this kit are available based on the desired rope size. The latest products are provided for optimal safety and efficiency including the CMC CSR2 Pulley System™ for 4:1 raising and lowering, the CMC Triskelion™ as artificial high directional, and the CMC CLUTCH™ BY HARKEN INDUSTRIAL™ for smooth rope management. Innovative features of the CLUTCH make it ideal for technical rescues including the ratcheting rotating sheave, Anti-Panic brake, force limiting protection, and integrated becket. It includes a primary access line, belay/retrieval system, and patient packaging equipment. This Rigging Kit contains the necessary equipment for vertical entry in confined space rescue operations.